Triplicane to Koyambedu
The Call Taxi Chennai is one of the leading online sites working in and around Chennai city providing 24 hours cabs service at your door step. The distance between Triplicane to Koyambedu is 12.5 km covering distance within 25 minutes. The Chennai traffic conditions delays your travel time and route passes through Gopalapuram, Nungambakkam, Chetpet, Arumbakkam and Koyambedu. The estimated taxi fare Rs.193 this fare includes initial fare Rs.60 and added meter value Rs.133 the taxi fare will vary according to type of vehicles and this fare applicable only in day night. The additional fare may apply for the customer waiting charge. The waiting charge is Rs.2 per minute this fare is common in day and night.
Triplicane to Chennai central
The short distance between Triplicane to Chennai central is 3.5 km the travel durations time is 10 minutes your travel time will be differ in peak hours. Some important locations you may notice in your trip are Anna Salai, Spencer Plaza, LIC Busstop and Chennai central. The estimated fare includes the preliminary fare Rs.60 and added meter fare Rs.3 is Rs.63 the taxi fare will be differ in night time. Our cab service takes safely and comfortably to your destinations in Chennai crowd. The waiting charge we cost you is Rs.2 per minute. The waiting charge will same in day and night.
Triplicane to Chennai Egmore
Our cab service take pride in providing safe and reliable 24/7 hour taxi hiring services for short distance and long distance journeys in Chennai city. Anytime and anywhere in Chennai you can book your cabs. We are also provides taxi service between Triplicane to Chennai Egmore. The total distance covers 3.2 km at short time within 10 minutes. Some of the locations you might notice in your trip are Triplicane police stations, Border Thottam, Pudupet and Chennai Egmore. The minimum taxi fare we cost you is Rs.62 the total estimated fare includes initial fare Rs.60 and meter fare Rs.2 and additional fare added for waiting charge Rs.2 per minute.
Triplicane to Chennai Airport
Want to rent a car for your journey from Triplicane to Chennai Airport get the cab service from us. Our Taxi service cost you the minimum estimated fare Rs.282 that include the preliminary fare and added meter is Rs.60 and Rs.222 this fare applicable only in day time. Road distance or driving directions 18.4 km without any obstacles you can reach the distance in 31 minutes. The route passes through via Teynampet, Nandanam, Saidapet, Alandur, Guindy and Meenambakkam. The waiting charge we cost you is Rs.2 per minute. Have nice trip.