Alwarpet to Koyambedu
In our call taxi Chennai service, To travel from Alwarpet to koyambedu, customers need to pay a total travelling fare of Rs.240 which includes the initial fare of Rs.60 and additional metred fare of Rs.180. In our service, we are reaching the destination of koyambedu from alwarpet by covering through the areas of chokkalingam nagar, Harrington road, pachaiyappa's college,ampa skywalk, virugambakkam. In our travel service, we are covering an approximate distance of 13kms within 21minutes of travel. This travelling charge will be applicable only during the day time and the waiting charge of Rs.2/min is common in both day and night. Have a nice journey. (List all steps)
Alwarpet to Chennai Egmore
We are reaching the Chennai egmore from alwarpet within 11 minutes of travel in our service. The travelling charge of Rs.188 including the normal fare of Rs.60 and additional metred charge of Rs.188 will be needed to pay by the customers. During this travel, we are reaching the destination through the areas of teynampet metro, express state. This travelling charge will be applicable only during the day time but the waiting charge of Rs.2/min will be common in both day and night. We wish you a fast journey.(List all steps)
Alwarpet to Chennai central
Customers can reach the Chennai central within 20 minutes of travel in our service. The customers need to pay only Rs.240 as travelling charge which includes the initial fare of Rs.60 and additional metred fare of Rs.180. In our service, we are travelling an approximate distance of 13kms through the areas of teynampet metro, express state, anaasalai. The travelling charge displayed here will be applicable only for the day time travelers but the waiting charge of Rs.2/min will be common to all. Have a memorable journey.(List all steps)
Alwarpet TO Chennai Airport
In our call taxi Chennai service, we are dropping the customers in Chennai airport within 19 minutes of travel from Alwarpet. In this travel we are covering an approximate distance of 14kms through the following areas such as saidapet metro, guindy, alandur metro, ota metro. For this travel, customers need to pay initial fare of Rs.60 and additional metred fare of Rs.195 so a total fare of Rs.255 will be charged as travelling fare to the customers. This travelling fare will be applicable only during the day time whereas waiting charge of Rs.2/min is a common one. We wish you to have a happy journey.(List all steps)
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