Palavakkam to Koyambedu
Our cab service is an online taxi booking service working in and around Chennai. You can also book your taxi from Palavakkam to Koyambedu. The driving direction between these two destinations is 21 km. Your trip starts from Palavakkam and covers areas Thiruvanmiyur, Guindy, Ashok Nagar, Vadapalani and Koyambedu. The approximate time to reach the destinations is 44 minutes. The time may vary in traffic hours. The estimated taxi fare comes around Rs.323 this cost include the initial fare Rs.60 and meter value Rs.263.The extra charges will be added for waiting charges Rs.2 per minute if any this same cost applicable in both day and night.
Palavakkam to Chennai Central
Our taxi service helps you to find rout from Palavakkam to Chennai central. The total driving direction is 16.9 km. In your trip you can pass some of the locations such as Thiruvanmiyur, Raja Annamalai Puram, Mylapore, Park Town and Chennai central. Your total travel time approximately is 35 minutes and time may vary in peak hours. The total estimated fare includes preliminary fare Rs.60 and added metered charge is Rs.201 the total estimate fare come Rs.261 the additional charge may apply for waiting charge. The waiting is Rs.2 per minutes this fare remains same in both day and nightPalavakkam to Chennai Egmore
Travelling from Palavakkam to Chennai Egmore your driving directions starts from Thiruvanmiyur, Raja Annamalai Puram, Teynampet, Chintadripet and Chennai Egmore. The total distance is 15 km and your approximate travel time is 32 minutes. The time take to reach your destination may vary in traffic. Our taxi service takes you to your destination very comfort and safe. The estimated taxi fare we cost you is Rs.232 including the initial fare and meter value charge Rs.60 and Rs.172. The taxi fare will be differing in type of car the customer choose and additional fare may added in waiting charge Rs.2 per minute if travelers needed in their trip.
Palavakkam to Chennai Airport
The road distance or driving directions from Palavakkam to Chennai Airport 17.9 km some of the areas covers in your trip are Thiruvanmiyur, Taramani, Alandur, Palavanthangal and Chennai Airport. The time takes is 32 minutes to complete the approximate travel time may change in traffic and road conditions. Our taxi service helps you to reach your destinations at right time and keeps you in safe and comfort. The total estimated fare we cost you Rs.274 this fare includes the initial fare Rs.60 and additional meter value is Rs.214. The waiting charge is Rs.2 per minute.
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